28 days, i think.
we spent about $42 a week on milk and necessities.
and $25 on gas per week.
here are top ten things i learned...
1-starbucks is about more than a cup of coffee.
it's relationships, it's memories.
for my DH and my DD, this is "their thing". they get all happy when walking around target with that warm cup o' joe. i still remember my daddy taking me to the candy counter when i was a little girl. those few ounces of chocolates with white sprinkles in that paper bag. i'm tearing up. okay, let's move on.
2-$3 wine from walmart is excellent.
3-eating food already made is so boring. we were eating a lot of meals like chicken, rice, frozen vegetable. beef, mac and cheese, and canned vegetable. i think from now on, i'm going to concentrate on stockpiling ingredients, and not prepared food.
of course, picky eater DS loved it!
4-i need to cook for my sanity. chopping, stirring, researching recipes, trying new stuff, that's what i love. that's who i am.
5-too much processed food (and lets face it, that's mostly what you can stockpile) can mess up your digestive system. i'll just leave it at that.
6-I DO NOT like ragu pasta sauce, marie callendar's frozen meals, canned biscuits, bagged iceburg lettuce, most frozen vegetable medleys, or sunny delight smoothie juice. in other words, just cause it's free, don't feel like you HAVE to bring it home.
7-if you really want to show me some love, gift me with a piece of fresh produce.
8-it's nice to know that it can be done if you have to. that the supplies are there if you can't afford to go shopping or if you are sick or something.
9-DH was proud of me/us, but also annoyed that i asked him everyday "did you spend any money?"
10-i don't think i'll be having another
"no spend month" for a while.
at least not on purpose.
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