there are other areas too...
the hunger site
the literacy site
the breast cancer site
the child health site
the animal rescue site
and more...
The GreaterGood Network of websites offer the public a unique opportunity to support causes they care about at no cost to them.
Each person's daily click on the Click To Give™ sites displays sponsor advertising. One hundred percent (100%) of sponsor advertising is paid as a royalty to charity through the non-profit, tax-exempt GreaterGood.org.
Supporters can also contribute directly to charity by purchasing Gifts that Give More™, where one hundred percent (100%) of their donation is given to charity, or by purchasing one of the 4500+ products that we carry, including jewelry, apparel, and gifts. There is a charity royalty of from 5-30% paid on every item purchased from any of the GreaterGood Network's online stores.
In fiscal year 2007, the GreaterGood Network gave over $1.7 million to charity, nearly 7 times our after-tax profit.
take a look around for some interesting gifts (many inexpensive!) for yourself or those you love. look for some trendy teen items. and feel good about shopping. i ordered some things from greater good last year and they were all wonderful. and excellent customer service too.
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