Saturday, December 4, 2010

2 free bottles of excedrin

go here for info about 2 free bottles of excedrin.
(coupon by mail)
my daughter uses this for headaches.
works better than plain tylenol.
she figured out last year that motrin gives her nosebleeds!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

free ghiradelli luxe bars at harris teeter

print this coupon for 75¢/1 ghiradelli luxe bars on sale this week for $1.50. with doubled!
get a raincheck if they are sold out~

my new love

my family loves loves loves hidden valley ranch salad dressing.
on salad, on chicken nuggets, on potatoes, my daughter even eats it on pizza.
but it is expensive!
i've tried to make home-made.
i've tried other brands.
there is just no substitute.

but then i remembered....
my first experience with the "packet" of ranch dressing.
(that's how it started you know)
i must have been 12 years old.
dipping celery sticks.
i ate so much i got sick!
but i still love it.

my point is, the packs are much cheaper.
$1 each this week at harris teeter.
and it's easy to find sale mayo and milk is a staple.
so simple to mix up, your 3 and 5-year-olds can do it :)

organic veggies $1 at HT

do you subscribe the harris teeter e-wellness newsletter?
i do and i got this today.
these are on sale for $2 this week, so $1 for a pound of organic mixed vegetables!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

harris teeter 12/1-12/7

here's the ad from a full cup.
also, rumors of the coupon penquin are floating around. have you seen him?
hot coupon world
southern savers