here's a deal for you if you are planning on buying this movie.
it comes out tuesday.
from common sense with money.
comment from erin:
This was a good deal! I got the movie for 9.99 with the coupon and then I bought hefty plates (50ct) for 1.97 and used a .50 coupon on those so really just 1.47. Just for doing that, I will receive 5 dollars from hefty when I mail in the rebate with my receipt!....
This was a good deal! I got the movie for 9.99 with the coupon and then I bought hefty plates (50ct) for 1.97 and used a .50 coupon on those so really just 1.47. Just for doing that, I will receive 5 dollars from hefty when I mail in the rebate with my receipt! Every brunette in Mooresville was flocking to Wal-Mart today. There was only a handful of movies left. Can I just say, I would have bought this movie for the original $25 dollars if I needed to. Snow White ranks only second behind the ultimate brunette Wonder Woman... oh lost focus there. Obviously I bought this for my daughter Cara and it is not about me...right?